DCC Summer 2020 Ministry Survey

Please fill out this form and click submit. If you have questions about the survey or need clarification, please email to elders@damascuscc.org or call the church office at 503.658.3179.
Dear DCC Church Family,

During the spring, the Elders and Staff sought your input regarding regathering as a church body.  On the basis of the input received and the restrictions we were given then, we set out a plan for streaming worship services and small on-campus gatherings.
Since that time, some restrictions have changed, as well as some perspectives on our current situation.

Please complete the survey below to give us your thoughts for moving forward.  Your answers are anonymous (unless you choose to provide your name at the end).

Thank you!
DCC Elder Council


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Please select all that apply.
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Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.

Please complete this section if you have children in our Children and Youth Ministries.
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Please select one option.

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The following information is optional. What you do provide will be held confidential among the DCC Elders.
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit. If you have questions about the survey or need clarification, please email to elders@damascuscc.org or call the church office at 503.658.3179.